Who am I?

My name is Will Edgcomb, approximately (he/they), and I am the titular Orthonym. I have been working with other writers who will also publish here. We aim to express ourselves. Expect needless things. My personal goal is to explore my capacity for expression and to ‘get out of my own way’ for the practice of my craft. Please enjoy your stay with us.

My current comrades are as follows:

willa beale (they/them)— a Christian anarchist, poet, and scholar.

Ser Templeton Esq. (yes/and)— a scoundrel, troll, and sage.


Weekly — Intermittently Paid
Responsibility: the Orthonym
Days: Tuesdays & every other Friday
Expression: Journal or Poem

Bi-weekly — Free, unless unintended length
Responsibility: willa
Day: every other Sunday
Expression: Poem or diary

Monthly — Paid, after a month
Responsibility: Ser Templeton Esq.
Day: the 16th
Expression: Short Story

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When you subscribe, you get full access to the newsletter and publication archives. We don’t have much archived yet but we hope you at least become a free subscriber. We’d love to have you in whatever capacity you offer.

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An invocation.


"My divided ambitions have landed me in no better place than the shade of this tree, where I am a homeless wanderer." — Gene Wolfe